Be a Savvy Homebuyer in Your Market We all have that savvy friend. You know, the one who seems to have a resource, tip or connection for every hurdle in life....
What Does the New Tax Law Mean for First-Time Buyers? With significant changes to the tax code taking effect this year, homeowners and prospective buyers are revising their plans to take advantage of its...
Down Payment Programs Remain Well Funded Our Fourth Quarter 2017 Homeownership Program Index (HPI) reports a new record high number of homebuyer programs — now 2,507 — available for today’s...
Do Low Down Payments Make Mortgages More or Less Affordable? File this question under “it depends.” It’s true that loans with down payments of 20 percent or more cost borrowers less over time than...
Habitat Build Day: Helping One Family Achieve Their Dream Here at Down Payment Resource we work hard everyday to gather the details of programs that are available to help more families become homebuyers....
Is your rent too high? The age old real estate question: Should you rent or buy? It’s a question that many consumers debate and there’s no one right answer....
Report Recommends Raising Consumer Awareness of Down Payment Assistance A new report on credit access and affordability by the Urban Institute’s Housing Finance Policy Center commissioned by Down Payment Resource and Freddie Mac...
Down Payment Program Data Grows in Size and Scope Homeownership Program Index Reports More Than 16,000 Program Changes in Q3 2017 Down Payment Resource communicates with more than 1,300 housing agencies each month...
Student loan debt sidelining your homeownership dreams? These programs may help. When it comes to consumer debt, student loans rank at the top. In recent years, student loan debt grew much faster than any other...
How 3 People Conquered Credit Trouble and Bought Homes Unless you’ve built a stockpile of savings or lucked into a windfall, you’ll probably need a mortgage to buy a home. Qualifying for one...
How much should you save for home improvements? Millennials are leading the drive to DIY, according to the new Zillow Consumer Housing Trends report. In fact, the younger the homeowner, the more...
How Low Should You Go? Pros and Cons of a Low Down Payment When it comes to a down payment on your home, are you aiming high or low? The down payment is the number one reason...